My drawings begin with lots of little pencil sketches.
I would usually find a quote that I am drawn to and I try to create an image around that. It’s a bit like a brain storming; lots of ideas will surface and then I will comb them back until I find the right character to portray the words.
The next stages are pen sketches, lots of shading and then the fun part – the painting!
I work on 300gsm thick-textured, watercolour paper. I find the rough grain works best, especially when working with pen and ink. I work mainly in two sizes – A5 and A4.
Whatever drawing you choose, it will come to you in crisp, polar white mount, ready for framing and securely sealed in a cellophane wrap.
It will also be beautifully packaged. It’s the little details that count. These drawings are little, one-off individual pieces which make them unique gifts for your friends and family or simply as a special treat for yourself!
You can choose from the work I have currently completed which you’ll see in the Drawings section of my shop or an original drawing can be created and personalised just for you! You can ask me to include names, or your favourite quotes or hobbies. The Commission Gallery will help to give you further ideas.
If you don’t see quite what you are looking for, I would be love to create something to your specification! Please contact me to discuss your thoughts.